Investment Process in Malawi | ||
The investment process in Malawi is streamlined to make it convenient for you to invest. The Malawi Investment and Trade Centre (MITC) has been specially designed to facilitate your investment process in Malawi. Below are some of the important issues that you much be aware of:
1、Minimum investment capital US$50,000.00 Prospective investors are required to invest a minimum capital of US$50,000.00 to be eligible to apply for Investment Certificate, immigration permits, land and sector-specific approvals, permits and licences with MITC. 2、Company Incorporation Prospective investors are required to incorporate a company in Malawi with the Register of Companies before proceeding further with any investment-related activities. The Registrar issues a Certificate of Incorporation once a company is registered. 3、Issuance of Investment Certificate All prospective investors investing a minimum capital of US$50,000.00 are required to obtain an Investment Certificate from MITC. MITC charges a non-refundable processing fee of US$200.00 and an issuance fee of US$800.00 for the Certificate. At this stage, one may also apply for Business Residence Permits and Temporary Employment Permits, land, and sector-specific approvals, licences and permits. 4、Registration with MRA Once issued with the Investment Certificate, the investor may proceed with opening a business account with any Malawian commercial bank and registering the business with the Malawi Revenue Authority. 5、Applying for Business Residence Permits, Temporary Employment Permits and Business Land MITC handles applications for Business Residence Permits (BRP), Temporary Employment Permits (TEP) and Business Land on behalf of investors. 6、Environmental Impact Assessment requirements
Contact Address: No. 503 Dongwai Diplomatic Office Building, No. 23 Dongzhimenwai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing: 100600, People’s Republic of China Tel: +86-10-6532-4868 Fax: +86-10-6532-6022 E-mail: |
H. E. Ambassador Allan Joseph Chintedza